Saturday, April 14, 2012

call me maybe?

i have been meaning to get around to getting business cards done, it's been on my to do list for the past couple of years. just in the last week i have experienced several occasions where i really needed them. i've been looking at plenty of printing sites lately, but none of them really drew inspiration for me. so i made them from scratch. took out the good ole' typewriter to achieve that genuine 'courier new' font, scanned it through, played around with it on Ps, printed it on watercolour art paper, sliced it up, stitched on a few bits and pieces, and backed it on another layer of watercolour paper. a 270gsm paper weight was not enough for me, so i ended up with a 485gsm calling card in the end. i have only completed three, i have ninety seven to go. this may not have been my best idea.

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