dragged myself back in the studio to create this vintage piece for Maidenette, Jessica Lee. she's going to wear it to a work christmas party this weekend, i'm sure she'll rock it out! the buttons take awhile to make, but it's time put to great use, they're so precious.
Hey, do you regularly post your pieces anywhere? I'd love to see some stuff! I wanted to try to come and visit at the markets, but couldn't make it.
hey sez, i hope you check back on this. i usually post stuff on this or on my fb page. if you have facebook join the Maiden Threads page, there's a link on my blog. do you live in Sydney?
Thanks for replying - I have your blog bookmarked, so regularly check back. Yep, I'm based in Syd, love the clothes I have seen in your blog so far! Would love to buy a piece some day :) I've become a "fan" on your FB club. Looking forward to seeing whatever you come up with next!
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