...just to let me down, let me down. and mess me around
and then worst of all, worst of all. you never call baby when you say you will..."
i love this song. and aren't the words just spot on! i've experienced this feeling over and over again throughout my years of trying to get a foot into the design world. minor setbacks like not getting the job because you don't look cool enough, or the lack of documentation to your name. a blow to your self confidence because you're having to work the crumby jobs to fund your studies. the disappointments of people showing interest, waving opportunity right in your face putting you on such a high and then bringing you right back down... ahh yes i know the feeling!
but as the song goes on.
"...but i love you still. i need you, i need you more than anyone darlin'. you know that i have from the start.
so build me up, build me up buttercup. don't break my heart."
design is all i've ever known and all i'll ever want to do. the fashion world is probably too bitchy for me - but i still love you!