i'm so eager to start on my Autumn/Winter 09 collection but i have some other things to get out of the way first ugh. but i did make a couple of harem pant/leggings. i'm sending one over to Texas to fashionista Michelle who i met thru Chictopia. the light in my sewing machine is out, so i had to finish the second pair in the dark. i hope dad can fix it for me or else i'm screwed, i have one more formal dress due on the 11th. i'm having trouble finding nice fabric, i've been so uninspired...
p.s that's my new mirror, i had to buy a new one after i accidentally pushed my mannequin against it causing it to break. with my dad being over superstitious, he threw my 'shattered effect' mirror in the bin without letting me know.
Ooooh, they look good. Drat that bulb.
Oh gosh I think I am in love!!!
those pants are just too hot!!
hahaha thanks!!
i love these! how do i get my hands on a pair ( or something like them, seeing as you only do one-off individual pieces ) ?
hi! i'm sorry i only saw this post today.
i hope you check back soon.
just put in an order with your hip measurements or just a simple s/m/l will do.
thanks for your post. hope to hear from you soon.
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