Tuesday, February 18, 2014

and that was that.

so before anyone else asks me how amazing Vietnam was, here's the run down. i've never really had an interest in exploring South East Asia, with the exception of Tokyo which is probably my most favourite place in the world. i did not want to be a tourist on this trip, i purely wanted to find a tailor and relax in my fancy hotel rooms. i found that the Vietnamese people were very friendly and helpful during most of my stay, even though their voices sound aggressive in nature. there were times i thought i was going to die crossing the streets and riding bikes. but it almost became a comical game of survival as i screamed with fear across the streets of Saigon. but i didn't come away with nothing, my experience at the Vietnam War Remnants Museum had me teary and feeling sick at the images of what was this country's history.

i leave this city partially disappointed that the artistry of tailoring and creating things isn't held more with pride as it is to make as much money from tourists. in fairness, i don't like to haggle prices because i know how much time is worth. and in return expected abit more attention to detail. in saying that, i can't wait to get home and set up studio in our new home (wherever that might be) so that i can perfect my own art and present you all with another great show!

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