Tuesday, June 25, 2013

the damage from way back when it mattered.

my packing skills only becomes less organised with each trip i go on. i fly out in a few hours and i'm still dawdling around. but before i go i had to post, because we all know how badly i articulate what i need to say in real life, so i shall write my thoughts out with the aid of my thesaurus.

it's been less than a year since i went on my first world adventure. i caught the disease from a few gypsies i'd been spending too much time with at the time, and here i find myself at the airport again. to think, that once upon a time i was made to believe that traveling had to be saved for marriage life. nah. not me. my life consists of inconsistent relations, impulse buying and temporary highs but at the end of the day, i'm still doing what i want to do, right or wrong. i'm off to catch up with some friends around the world, but i know i'll always come home to family. 


photo credit: Rennan Dizon, Camden Markets London 2012

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