Tuesday, June 8, 2010

to Melbourne, with love.

it's been a busy few days trying to get packaging and signage together for Maiden's Melbourne debut. my noisy thrifted typewriter came in very handy during my time of need. Maiden is now being stocked in a quirky little shop called Design A Space, in Melbourne's CBD. i have been contemplating on getting a space here for a couple of years now, and the time has finally come. so if you happen to be in Melbourne, be sure to visit and say hi to Kavita for me: 

design a space. 
retail gallery
20 Manchester Lane
Melbourne, 3000


su-shii said...

i like the little boxes with your name and the string, very cute! Make me one :)

maie maie said...

aww thanks Su-ey!!
okie dokie i will! i have to find more of that paper. ur name is so short (easier for me)hahaha!